Why I decided to change my life

2 min readFeb 22, 2021
Ernesto weighing himself to get on a plan to help him lose weight.

Have ever happened to you that you do not know what to do with your life at a certain point of your life? Well during this pandemic many people had a lot of time to think about it. Some people change financially, physically, mentally spiritually, and because of health. During your path of change, you can fail many times but from those fails come success.

During the quarantine, many people gain a lot of weight because gyms were closed, then curfew came, so there were not a lot of things people can do besides staying at home which is the most recommendable. However Ernesto Montoya a Cerritos College majoring in kinesiology he decided to make a change in his life since he started to gain a lot of pounds.

Ernesto said, “During this long time of quarantine, I been thinking and getting depressed because I know that I started to look fat” Ernesto continues, “So I did some research and seat a goal for myself, which is to lose 60 pounds in the next year.” Ernesto's change was because he did not like how he looks in the mirror so he decided to take action.

Juana Jimenez, Ernesto’s mother commented, “ I’m proud of my son because he looks very motivated to make a change in his life because the most important for him is his health.” Juana added, “I know it is gonna be a hard journey but I will be there to keep him motivated to lose weight.” This demonstrates that Ernesto has a lot of support in his family and that they will not let him quit this new lifestyle.

There are gonna be times that you want to quit your goals or the changes and restart your life previous the change, but you will need a lot of effort and consistency to achieve your life change. Think, prepare and execute it.




Cerritos College Student, Majoring in journalism. I'm Currently 21 years old and I'm happy to learn as much as possible.